About Belza
Dive into the narrative of "Belza", where a young woman becomes a vigilante in the aftermath of a profound personal tragedy. The comic started through short stories, similar to "one-shot comics", which is now evolving into deeper story telling. Opting for brevity, the short tales introduced and established the diverse cast of heroes, villains, and other compelling characters, along with the narratives of "classic unlikely hero" I aspire to share.
As "Season 1" wraps up with the third part of Queen's Wrath, "Season 2" plans to go into more complex and mature storytelling, with more stakes, mystery, drama, villainous characters, and trials and tribulations that will push Belza to her limits. A new wave of stories that I'm excited to create are coming with other big changes also!
This passion project is growing fast, and you don't want to miss the growth of the Dancing Warrior.